Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Seeing a Urologist for Erectile Dysfunction or Urinary Incontinence in Beverly Hills

For men living with Erectile Dysfunction (ED), learning about what ED is, what causes ED, and how to treat ED is taking proactive steps to receiving the right treatment and solution for your ED. Men often find ED to be embarrassing and difficult to talk about, however, because most of the time the cause of ED can be purely physical. Physical causes like high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart and vascular disease, low male hormone level, prostate cancer, diabetes, and more can be some of the physical causes of erectile dysfunction. With a Urologist Beverly Hills patients can be treated for ED once a diagnosis is made. 

There may be psychological causes to ED like anxiety, stress, depression, and other causes such as “widower syndrome”.  These can all be the cause to ED and can be treated with medication, a lifestyle change, ED vacuums, penile implants, or ED surgery. Which treatment method to be used can be decided with help from your Urologist as they will know which treatment option will be best for a patient’s case of ED.

For women, Urinary Incontinence can be an embarrassing problem as the fear of having accidental leakage can prevent a woman from living a normal life. There are different types of urinary incontinence such as stress, urge, and overflow incontinence, each having connections to each of their own set of symptoms and causes. Speaking with a Urologist can really help a patient understand what type of urinary incontinence they have, what causes it, and how to treat it. There are non-surgical treatment options that are recommended for milder cases that include diet and lifestyle modification, weight loss, exercises, medications, and more, however, they are only effective in treating the urge of urinary incontinence. 

With a Urologic Surgeon Beverly Hills residents can be treated for more severe cases of urinary incontinence. Surgical treatment can be implemented such as a bulking agent injection, a radiofrequency treatment, or a sling procedure. A bulking agent procedure involves closing the urethra and reducing leakage while a radiofrequency treatment reduces episodes of incontinence with the insertion of a probe. A sling procedure for incontinence is completed by inserting a sling through a minimal incision in the vagina and provides long-term success which is why it is the most effective treatment.