Sunday, 12 August 2012

Labiaplasty Los Angeles-Feeling prudish about your privates? Start feeling proud!

There are two types of plastic surgery: reconstructive and cosmetic. Reconstructive plastic surgery is the genre of plastic surgery employed to improve or restore function or appearance due deformities caused by genetic or birth defects, developed medical conditions, injuries, or medical conditions. Cosmetic plastic surgery, on the other hand is the kind of plastic surgery that has come to be rather common and acceptable in today’s society- surgical and nonsurgical procedures designed to bring about a more aesthetically-pleasing look to virtually any part of the body.

Recently, reconstructive and cosmetic plastic surgery to the gential regions of both genders has been garnering attention and popularity. Reconstructive plastic surgery to genital regions usually entail the correction of some abnormality that is causing the patient to experience sexual hardship or hardship simply living their daily lives, or quite possibly, both.

And example of a physical genital abnormality that could tremendously better the life of a female patient, both sexually and personally, is the labiaplasty. For women who have abnormally long or large outer or inner labias can experience sexual frustration- their inner labias might constantly get pulled in towards the vagina during sex, causing discomfort, and possibly pain- and/or general frustration during the course of a normal day- large or long labias tend to rub against undergarments more frequently and harshly than normal-sized labias, causing discomfort and pain, and potentially causing infections to develop.

The labiaplasty in Los Angeles is a reconstructive cosmetic procedure of either the inner labia or the outer labia, or both, that can help women who suffer from the above mentioned labia discomfort.

Males are not immune from the need for reconstructive plastic surgery to the genital region. There is a 1% chance that a male who is uncircumcised will have a penis that is afflicted by the medical condition known as phimosis. Phimosis prevents the foreskin of the penis from fully retracting over the end of the penis, which tends to cause either discomfort or pain- but the main problem with phimosis isn’t the discomfort or pain associated with it.

Uncircumcised penii are already more susceptible to infection than circumcised penii simply because of the fact that uncircumcised penii require more precise and time-consuming hygienic maintenance. Having the condition of phimosis means that an uncircumcised penis is even harder to clean and maintain, heightening the risk of infection even higher.

In order to fix phimosis, a patient can do one of two things: either get a circumcision or get a preputioplasty. For most males who have phimosis, circumcision is undesirable, likely due to religious reasons or the simple fact that a circumcision is quite painful and requires a long and uncomfortable recovery. The majority of males who have phimosis choose to undergo the preputioplasty, which is relatively painless and requires a much shorter recovery time than circumcision. When deciding to undergo a preputioplasty, it is of utmost importance that you do your research and choose the most qualified preputioplasty specialist in Los Angeles to perform your procedure.

To find more details about preputioplasty please visit: